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Jacques Ribeyre

Jacques Ribeyre, born on June 13, 1931, is a renowned French artist, particularly known for his mastery of metal and glass. Passionate about the arts from a young age, he joined the 60th promotion of the Metal section at the École Boulle in 1946, a prestigious Parisian school of art professions. Graduating as a crystal engraver, he began his career in the workshops of Max Ingrand, a renowned glassmaker and decorator, where he worked for 15 years. There, he was in close proximity to major figures in decoration, architects, decorators, industrialists, as well as artisans from various trades. Under Max Ingrand's direction, at Saint-Gobain or Fontana Arte, Ribeyre refined his art and gained extensive experience in handling metal and glass.

Jacques Ribeyre's personal life remains discreet, but his dedication to his art and his commitment to artistic creation are reflected in his professional journey. Some of his works can be found at the Salon des Artistes Décorateurs. His work with Max Ingrand as well as his career as an independent artist testify to the recognition and respect he has gained in his field. Jacques Ribeyre has had a significant impact on crystal engraving, of which he became a specialist. He incorporates this material into various creations, including lighting fixtures and interior decorative panels.